Founded in 1989, One Society International (OSI) is a Denver-based nonprofit educational and cultural exchange 501c3 organization, which provides opportunities for young people as well as adults to learn about, maintain, nurture, and promote intercultural creative and performing arts traditions. Our mission is to bring people together from all parts of the world, in the understanding that we are essentially motivated by the same vision-quest to love and be loved in a harmonious world. OSI’s educational, cultural and exchange programs are designed to bring about transformative personal change, such that the participants will become enpowered to move into adulthood as peacemakers and change agents, actively working to secure a positive future for us all.

EarthAngel_275_275One Society International

Creating Intercultural, Intergenerational Bridges

As we nurture, celebrate, and promote our cultures, similarities, differences, preferences, and abilities across all generations, we are building

strong bridges for a future of harmony & peace.

Founded in 1989, One Society International (OSI) is a Denver-based nonprofit educational and cultural exchange 501c3 and 5091a organization, providing opportunities for people of all ages to learn about, maintain, nurture, and promote intercultural creative and performing arts traditions. Our mission is to bring people together from all parts of the world, in the understanding that we are essentially motivated by the same vision-quest to love and be loved in a harmonious world. OSI’s educational, cultural and exchange programs are designed to bring about transformative personal change, empowering us to move through life as peacemakers and change agents, actively working to secure a positive future.

The first and second OSI Logos were conceived from a 1982 dream. OSI Founder, Billie Hopkins, saw a heralding angel, trumpet in hand, flying over the Colorado Rockies at sunrise. She quickly sketched out what appeared as a seal or a crest that might be found on a gold coin.OriginalLogo At first, she thought she was supposed to start a publishing company, but later realized that the One Society Angel from her dream had a much greater task to accomplish. In 1987 she became the Youth Support Director for Youth Ambassadors of America, organizing and conducting eleven bi-lateral youth summit meetings and summer camps in Russia and Maui, Hawaii. Then, in May of 1989, she returned from her final exchange. As politics would have it, YAA had lost their support structure in Russia, which was based on partners closely tied to Gorbachev and the Soviet Peace Committee. The entire Youth Ambassadors Bridge crumbled, right along with the Berlin Wall. Billie went into immediate action to design a New Bridge – a stronger bridge as a truly intercultural, intergenerational structure that would support, nurture, celebrate and steadfastly promote our Human Oneness as Peacemakers; withstand the mercurial whims of governments; destructive torrents of time; flimsy perceptions of personality. This new, strong bridge became One Society International, and she has always envisioned OSI as The New Bridge – a structure to support an ongoing network of cross-cultural, cross-generational programs nurturing and celebrating differences and similarities within One Human Family living in harmony.

OSI’s next logo carried the motto “We Touch, We Bridge, We Transcend.” This version was later rendered by a professional graphic artist in Denver, and submitted to the IRS in May of 1990. Final IRS determination of non-profit status was finally granted on November 11, 1995, carrying the FEIN # 84-1145214. OSILOGO




 Our current OSI Logo was designed by Christopher Macor, OSI Secretary/Treasurer. It features the OSI Angel as overall guardian of our precious planet as seen from afar, in all her glory and perfection.EarthAngel_275_275

Donations are tax-deductible according to the law. Checks may be written to OSI and sent to:

4435 Driftwood Place; Boulder, Colorado 80301